Vinay & Darbelnet Prize
(Statutes, Section 24 and Annexe B)
The Vinay and Darbelnet Prize of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies was created by the Canadian Association for Translation Studies (CATS) to recognize the quality of research in translation studies (translation, interpretation, terminology) conducted by its members, and to make translation studies known as a discipline.
The Vinay and Darbelnet Prize of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies recognizes the quality of articles on translation studies. It shall be awarded each year to a person:
a) who presented a paper during the annual conference; and
b) whose written article has been accepted for publication in the issue on the conference theme prepared by the journal of the Association.
In addition to a certificate, the Association offers a one year membership in the Association.
The prize shall be awarded during the annual conference of the Association.
Eligible articles shall be submitted to a jury presided by the keynote speaker of the conference during which the original paper was read or, if necessary, by another internationally-recognized translation studies scholar; two Canadian translation studies scholars selected by the Association Executive will complete the jury. The identity of the members of the jury will be revealed during the award ceremony. The decision of the jury is final.
Competition rules:
The Vinay and Darbelnet Prize of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies crowns the best article based on a paper presented at the annual conference of the Association and published in the TTR issue on the conference theme.
The language in which the article is written shall be either English or French.
Shall be eligible to participate in the competition for the Vinay and Darbelnet Prize of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies those persons who are members or become members of CATS.
Those in charge of the TTR issue shall send the eligible articles to the outgoing president, who shall forward them to the members of the jury.
If the jury decides that the number of candidates is insufficient, or the quality of the articles submitted inadequate, it may decide not to award the prize. In case of an insufficient number of candidates, and only in that case, the articles submitted shall automatically be reconsidered for the next competition.
2022: Audrey Canalès
2021: Arnaud Tellier-Marcil
2019 : Nesrine Bessaih and Anna Bogic
2014: Isis Herrero Lopez
2013: Lynne Bowker
Speed Training in the Scientific/Technical Translation Classroom: A Pilot Experiment
2012: Katrien Liévois
2011: Tanya Collet
Describe the item a
Lexico-semantic obstacles to the successful reading of a specialty text
TTR 27-1
2010: Willy Neunzig
2009: James Saint-André
The Philosophical Underpinning of Walter Benjamin's Task of the Translator
2008: Ryan Fraser
2007 : Sylvie Vandaele, Mariana Raffo and Sylvie Boudreau
2006: Madeleine Stratford
2003: Michele Healy
The Cachet of the ‘Invisible’ Translator: Englishwomen Translating Science (1650-1850) (sous la direction de / supervised by Luise von Flotow) (Université d’Ottawa) - Best thesis
2002: Jean Delisle
Portraits de traductrices (Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa / Artois Presses Université) - Best book
2001: Malcolm Williams Michaels
An Argumentation-Centred Approach to Translation Quality Assessment (sous la direction de / supervised by Annie Brisset) (Université d’Ottawa) - Best thesis
2000: Michael Cronin
Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation (Cork University Press) - Best book
1999: Marianne Garre
Human Rights in Translation. Legal Concepts in Different Languages (Copenhagen Business School Press) (For her book)
Barbara Godard
Judith Lavoie
La parole noire en traduction française : le cas de Huckleberry (Université McGill) (For her thesis)