Updated on the 15 November 2024
36th Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies
George Brown College, Toronto
2-4 June 2025

An unconference? Yes, an unconference: that means no theme, no keynote, just conversations about the topics YOU are interested in.
The goal of such a conference is to go beyond the traditional format in order to focus on discussions. Although the format may be atypical, the event holds critical scientific and pedagogical value. Each proposal will therefore be evaluated by our scientific committee and only those showcasing strong scientific value will be accepted. We are seeking proposals that fall within one of the following three formats:
- Poster presentation: If your idea is just taking shape, but you don’t know if it’s good or what comes next, why not submit a proposal for a poster and seek comments from conference participants? This format is well suited to students in the early stages of their research (bachelor, master and Ph.D.) or researchers exploring a new field. It’s the perfect opportunity to see if your idea generates interest, to receive useful feedback such as avenues to explore and current literature and maybe even to meet colleagues who share your research interests.
- Short presentation (five minutes): If you are passionate about a topic, but sometimes feel like you’re the only person working on it, this format is for you. The goal is to deliver an “elevator pitch” to present the ins and outs of your research, ask questions, offer solutions and start a conversation that will undoubtedly be rewarding for everybody.
- Round table: Get together with three to five colleagues and propose a discussion topic. The session will last for 60 to 90 minutes, depending on your proposal and the number of panellists. However, the presentations must be limited to 20 to 30 minutes, with the rest of the time devoted to a discussion period. Your talk must present the topic and provide questions to fuel the debate.
Do you have an idea that doesn’t fit the above formats? The goal of an unconference is to think outside the box, so send us an email at conferenceact2025@icloud.com.
We welcome proposals in French, English and Spanish. The deadline is September 30, 2024.
To submit a proposal, please fill out the submission form below (available in French, English, and Spanish) and email it, as a Word document, to conferenceact2025@icloud.com.
The completed forms will be used by the organizers when preparing a Social Science and Humanities Research Council grant application to seek funding that is crucial to the success of the ACT-CATS conference. Please note that only the quality of your proposal will be considered during the selection process. If your proposal is accepted by the scientific committee, the information provided in the form will be included in the grant application.